How Ashes of Creation is Combatting the Zerg Issue

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In this video I go through one of the more interesting topics brought forward in the AMA that Intrepid did discussing TTK and large scal groups. Large scale groups in mmorpgs have always been a more hotly debated topic, and if the combat system is done poorly then they steamroll the map. A good MMORPG system allows big groups to frm, but provides enough skill in the combat system to allow smaller groups to be able to compete…IF they play well.

Ashes of Creation,Ashes of Creation PvP,MMORPG,Open World PvP,Sandbox MMORPG,Ashes of Creation TTK,Ashes of Creation DPS,Ashes of Creation Builds,Ashes of Creation Combat,Ashes of Creation Class Balance,Ashes of Creation Siege Warfare,Ashes of Creation Node Wars,Ashes of Creation Zerg,Ashes of Creation GvG,Ashes of Creation Castle Siege,Ashes of Creation Alpha 2


14 thoughts on “How Ashes of Creation is Combatting the Zerg Issue”

  1. I know this is a werid question. I am new to PC gaming and playing with controller all my life. I wonder will it have controller support :(. I have had tendens in my weist snap from sports so it is harder to use a keybroad due to spacings

  2. Sounds good on paper, with regards to how the devs feel zergs will be handled… TTK of 15 seconds sounds low… I'm not sure what cool downs are in AoC but 15 seconds in my mind doesn't leave any time for "skilled" players to show their "skill" in any game. It sounds like barely enough time to get through a single skill rotation.

  3. I dont know precise ttk but in my opinion it is like in gw2… smaller 15-20 groups can take 25-35 groups if they are skilled more than bigger group (performing good "bombs" and movement). But 20 ppl wont never take 40+ group, maybe they will kill 30 enemies in this 40+ group but they will never KO full zerg. And there is also lag issue with bigger zergs… but this is another topic…

  4. I've been trying to play ESO again and it is literally a constant zerg fest, even in imperial city. I put together a high damage mitigation nb build using Swift, BR duel wield, 2 pc potentates minor protection and balorg. It seems to do ok but then I found out about how next patch we will be taking EVEN MORE DAMAGE due to some mitigation issue getting fixed or something. GROSS INCOMPETANCE from ZOS IMO.

  5. I think you pretty much touched on it… make some sets/weapons that get bonuses in smaller groups exclusively. At the end of the day I thought his responses were alright, but if you get 40 players vs 6 you're still going to get stomped if there's no way to counter aside from a skill issue.

  6. The simplest, and most expensive way to prevent zerging, and increase the value of a good tank, is collision detection. But games that have tried it are no longer running. It is simply too CPU intensive.

  7. I have a question. If TTK is 10 seconds then what's the CC duration ? If there is 5 seconds stun then it's just execute vs 2 players for example. Another question – what if there are abilities that makes you immune for 5 seconds ? That's the reverse CC situation but at least they are counterable by running away, still a player can do a lot of damage by being immune for 5 seconds if the TTK is 10 seconds.


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