Is The 64 Class System Really Necessary? // Ashes of Creation

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Ashes of Creation is taking a pretty unique approach on their class system. Giving players the opportunity to play one of 64 classes as they set out in the world of Verra. But is this system as it seems, or could it be overhyped?

Ashes of Creation is a unique take on the MMORPG experience. Our world structure is dynamic, and built to react to your actions. Cities will rise and fall as you shape the world of Verra. Quests and secrets will unlock as populations gather and their needs grow. As the world’s NPC structure is established in real-time, you will have the ability to destroy what’s been created, paving the way for new developments, populations, and change. Political strife and intrigue will play a very real role in the structure of your experience. Gone are the days of static worlds; change is here to stay!
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21 thoughts on “Is The 64 Class System Really Necessary? // Ashes of Creation”

  1. I think reducing the secondary class to a type of augment is a waste, so I came up with a system that I think is better:
    1.) There are two classes, primary and secondary, but you can pick two of the same as well (example, ranger-bard, or ranger-ranger, or bard-bard)
    2.) You cannot change your primary class, but you CAN change your secondary class any time you want, to whatever you want
    3.) If you decide to double up on one class (ranger-ranger, or bard-bard) you can access more powerful, complex abilities/spells/etc. for that class
    4.) The way each class works is identical (the ranger portion of a ranger-bard, and a mage-ranger, play identically to each other – also, ranger-bard and bard-ranger play identically to each other)

  2. I don't consider it 64 classes. I look at it as 8 classes which each have extra augments provided by their subclass. If the subclass were more fleshed out allowing unique weapons, armors, or spells I might consider them a real class. Since they appear only to add augments I don't really consider the subclasses a class on their own. Now if a subclass such as Paladin gained access to new armors and weapons that only Paladins can have access to with unique benefits I might reconsider that position.

  3. When people can choose to form efficient groups, they usually think about what they can bring to the group that spec x or y does best for the content they intend to do and then, if there is space left over, the others come in. Based on my 20+ years of MMORPG experience, I believe that efficient groups (Meta) will use approximately 16 specs (25%) for most of the end game content; in addition, another 4-8 specs (~10%) for specific tasks such as collecting, crafting, etc. Other specs will be used maybe for even more specific things, such as Role Playing. Note that these numbers were taken from my experience (out of my ass).

  4. Why do you mention that a tank-mage wont outclass the mage? I doubt that was ever the intention. From my point of view if you want to go full PVP most likely you will go mage-mage, tank-tank etc, but if you are a more into gathering you might want mage-healer to have good dps and some sustain. If you want to play more solo it might be great to be ranger-bard to have some boost to your stats, etc. And then there's also many playstyles. I bet there are many people who want ranger-assassin combo, maybe a ranger-summoner to maybe have a pet helping you tank. Not everything is about min-maxing. The top 1% of the players is only that – a 1% of the player base. The rest of us also want to have fun and try fun builds and I'm very glad they have this 64 class system.

  5. When's the last time ANYONE saw a single MMO that was "properly balanced" I say lean into the chaos, increase the width of variety so much that the people begging for "balance" won't be able to make any good examples.

  6. Maybe the point of the 64 types is because it’s a RPG. Not a meta Game. I personally will be making the character I want and make do with its abilities. I don’t care about expectation, life isn’t perfect or set and either should roll play in games. You make do with the cards you are given. Half the fun is the challenges.

  7. Observation: Intrepid formed a set of ideals, archetypes that capture or embody what Intrepid imagines those ideals to be. And they're listed in the video. Not exactly innovative.

    Stop there and it's pretty one dimensional wrt classes.
    Note that this alone wouldn't stop me from playing, because the tactical and strategic possibilities in Ashes look enticing regardless.

    Allowing a 2nd archetype 'augment' choice, at level 25 (midway to max), will be 'worth it' only if the variations have worthwhile impact on play. If Intrepid pulls that off, if they're impactful in interesting ways, then that added depth could truly provide diverse opportunities for creative tactics and strategies. It could, in fact, be thrilling!

    Is it 'necessary'? Clearly it's a lot more work on the development side, especially if it's to be 'impactful'. IMAO the answer is 'Yes, it is necessary.' Why? Because the high standards Intrepid has set for Ashes need to be met, otherwise it will be just another game.
    The bottom line is 64 classes (or 36 = 6×6 at start of Alpha2) has got everyone excited – Bro, I'm definitely psyched!

    Whatever happens, Intrepid has all my best wishes for getting a great freak'n game out the door!

  8. This will add to the feel of the game and it should make a huge difference on pvp because people will be able to fine tune their build to their play style. These augments will also effect who might have the best build but being fluid you can change and adapt to a new best. Look at UO and shadowbane customizing or even the simple weapon speccing choices in DaoC made a huge difference in pvp. Stop looking at it from a WoW raiding point of view, WoW is not the pinnacle of MMOs it's the first floor!

  9. This is what im expecting to see with 64 class system

    You will have 3 talent tree total So a cleric would have
    1 – Weapon (Mace/Staff/Wand and so on for all weapon types)
    2 – Class (Cleric)
    3- Archtype (Templar/apostle/shadow disciple and so on)

    So if 2 cleric both using maces one going Fighter archtype and other Cleric they with both have access to the mace skill tree, Cleric skill tree but the archtype skill tree will be different and this would grant/change ability based on there 2nd class a cleric fighter will change(augment skills) and unlock some new skills based on being in melee combat where a cleric/cleric would get more typical healing augments/new skills

    This makes the most sense to me to add diversity between classes while keeping them doing the same base role they were designed for but just mixing up how it done, you may get some off healer/self sustain type build taking cleric as secondary but in no way it will take over a cleric roll (Everquest necromancers for example kinda made good back up healer surprisingly there kit was heavy life steal however they could transfer their own health to their party at a slight loss but in a pinch when cleric was falling behind or oom it changed the outcome alot of the time and this might be the case with AOC)

    There current skill UI also allows for this too since there a large space to add more tabs too for this

  10. There will be meta builds no doubt & maybe it will be like 10-12 combinations. But i think that leaves so much room for trickery in pvp. Where there will be conbos you are not used to seeing & are less prepared to know how to fight.

    There are always good builds outside the meta as well. Its just that most people want the best & easiest.

    I agree that its not necessary but it could be fun & it gives people who want to theory ceaft a ton of options.

  11. If they remove multiclass system I never buy or subscribe into this game. Developers always try to weasel themselves out the easy way when they are too lazy to deliver what they originally promised.


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