Ashes of Creation Has An Identity Problem

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Class Identity in MMOs is extremely important, but will Ashes of Creation have it? Between secondary archetypes, augments and any class being able to wear any armor, and use any weapon, class identity could get lost in the shuffle.

Sorry about the video quality on this one, I’m not sure what happened but I tried many things to fix it, but to no avail. I’ll get it right before the next video.

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11 thoughts on “Ashes of Creation Has An Identity Problem”

  1. Hopefully the class icons will be enough to quickly identify what you're up against in PvP, if not it might just be one of those games that you need hundreds or thousands of hours in to know every possibility.

  2. AoC alpha 2 is scheduled for Q3.

    It is Q3.

    There is no release date.

    So, alpha 2 is delayed?

    No, you just have to wait for Q3.

    But it is Q3. Should I just log in?

    No, it hasn't even been announced yet.

    So it's delayed?

    No. The announcement has just been delayed.

    Okay, but they announced it would be Q3.


    And it's Q3.


    So it's delayed.


    So I can try it now?



    The announcement has been delayed.

    But they announced Q3!

    But they didn't announce that they would announce by Q3.

    So, how is the announcement delayed?

    Because they announced Q3.

    So it's delayed?

    Yes. I mean no. I mean… look over there! Aren't our servers shiny?

  3. If you think it's debatable that class identity MIGHT be more important than balance, then may god have mercy on your soul. Poor balance will 100% ruin a game, and make it unplayable. A lack of class identity sucks, but you can still have an awesome, fun game without class identity. There's absolutely no debate that balance is more important than class identity.

  4. I get why people want class identity. If you build a tank buster, it would be nice to know the player in full plate, carrying a shield, is a tank. But for me I think its more important and more fun if players are able to build their idea of the perfect character for themselves.

  5. I'm not sure if this fits in, but I've focused more on niches. Not just being a Tank but HOW you are a Tank. Are you a great Tank for taking on thousands of enemies at once, or are you better at Tanking that one big boss by yourself? Are you a Rogue that focuses on that big hit that takes opponents down before they realize what happened, or do you want to silently spread DoTs across the opposing army? Or load up one enemy with extremely damaging debuffs? Not sure if this is the same thing as class identity but that's where I'd like to go.


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