There Isn't Enough PvE In Ashes of Creation w/Virtek from @TGFTavern

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12 thoughts on “There Isn't Enough PvE In Ashes of Creation w/Virtek from @TGFTavern”


  2. This is not just about Virtek, but also, Narc, Vlhadus , Burns… at some point, if you’re trying to instance stuff, remove systems, change content or basic mechanics… you should start asking yourself if Ashes is really a game for you.

    Ashes is not a game where you do pvp or pve, you do both, always. A pvper cannot progress their character by pvp, and a pveer cannot remove pvp from their experience. You’re not going to just jump into balanced pvp and keep making your character stronger, and you’re also not gonna progress a raid for weeks in a closed off instance where dying every 5 minutes is the norm.

  3. Xillin one thing to consider is the off hours of servers. You cant make an easy encounter drop a significant number of valuables because of PvP risk. That risk is almost not there at 6:30 am in the morning. The thing they woudl have to do is lock the entrance to the boss on non-peak hours.

  4. Sure, Ashes is really going to need some additional PvE content, and some PvE content that ties into PvP in interesting ways is a big plus. But I think Ashes is absolutely going to have to have more PvE systems that are a bit separated from the economy(because everything seems to be right now and that's simply dull, to be reminded constantly everything you do has a dollar value attached to it, which is already an issue in MMOs right now).

    More importantly than either one of those things though is Ashes absolutely 100% needs to make sure the themepark aspect of their game, the quest lines and whatnot, are very fun and engaging because honest criticism here from someone who copes out hard about the game: it's giving me hardcore sandbox vibes.

    Everything seems too centered around the sandbox features of the game, there's no reason the themepark aspects can't be pronounced, high quality and fun. High value player driven experiences are not dependant whatsoever on a sandbox environment, that is merely a traditional way to force or encourage it by keeping everything as player influenced systems.

    Player driven experiences are a high value experience 80% because of peoples personalities colliding, not so much the cold systems of the game(economy and whatnot), they merely help facilitate player interaction. You can have player driven experiences in a themepark MMO, it's just less likely because people tend not to and because most MMOs now lack player interdependent systems.

    Some sandbox systems are just fun, plain and simple(the elaborate economy, buildable cities, meta crafting, and dynamic world changes), but having heavy themepark elements does not mean you can't have those things too and it doesn't mean you can't have other player interdependent systems that help drive both combat and non combat player interaction. I want to see the static nodes/cities done up VERY well, with very fun, engaging and elaborate questlines, as well as various NPCs out in the open world, I don't want that aspect of PvE to be an afterthought. I think it can't, it's too big a blow to Ashes, I don't think it will succeed well if it is.

    But they'd also do well to take it NPCs and have them interacting with the environment in ways that can play on some of the systems they have and others they intend on adding, similar to what you guys were saying. Such as a previously neutral scavenger NPC faction you can align with by a mayoral commision(an offering that also acts like a vote) allowing them to reside in the area and to harvest some your nodes resources for the added benefit of becoming hostile to any non-citizen who gathers resources in your nodes sphere of influence, while permitting them to harvest even more than that will do the same thing, but triple leashing range and/or aggro radius when they become hostile.

    If your mayor doesn't decide to post the commission and align with them, and you have particular gatherables they like, they might come to your node at night when there aren't that many players on and harvest stuff to further deplete your available resources during the day. I got some SICK ideas, I'd love to be on the team and help discuss and design these things. I could build very fun and unique systems on top of what Ashes already have that you guys would love, I'm sure of it.

    But just interesting dynamic PvE content like that would be awesome, they really need some quality NPC PvE content. They're trying to be that next gen MMO and really bring some unique or improved systems to the table, I'd like to see them do it in this regard as well. However, they gotta do the PvE questing system right, as of right now they're talking like NPCs are added to do things lik facilitate basic systems(like a currency converter or a merchant… wow a merchant, haven't seen that one before), be a body guard, and to make the world feel less empty… that ain't gonna cut it, I'm sorry but I think that's a cop-out, a bad design decision, unnecessary and potentially extremely damaging.

  5. Xill thank you so much for all the content you make.
    I’ve been having trouble understanding why these PVE people have been so up in arms about AoC. Virtek was finally able to get me to see their side of it and present some ideas as far as a potential fix.
    I love that you are not just hosting an echo chamber, and are able to have these talks with folks from all walks of life.

  6. Legendary duo honestly, would love to see you guys collab again! What makes it great is that you have different opinions on certain things but your takes seems to be well thought out, which gives a broader perspective on things 🔥


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