Will Ashes Of Creation's PvP Cause It To FAIL?

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In this video we talk about Ashes Of Creation’s PvP system and ask the question, will this make Ashes Of Creation unpopular?

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18 thoughts on “Will Ashes Of Creation's PvP Cause It To FAIL?”

  1. for reason AoC made that crazy penality i mean corruption system,yes there will be idiots who gonna ganks,but let be honest is it worth to lost xp,materials/items to kill someone(bcs when you once corrupted everyone can kill you!!also there will be bounty hunter system which will be nightmare for corrupted players!!

  2. If there is no option to opt out of PVP or engage in it on the fly, If players do not have that option, then it's a PVP MMORPG (Like NEW WORLD was meant to be), and therefore that's what people will consider it. The developers will regret it after taking all of these years to develop it if they force players to PVP all the time regardless of 'penalties' to those who force it on other players. The corruption criminal system is pure douchery. Dumb idea. Albion Online, there's a prime example of a PVP MMO that has a niche audience. It's an acquired taste. Getting robbed by other players is b.s.. I'll skip it if such is the case, I don't want to do it to other players and I don't want it done to me. Not involuntarily. There has to be a dividing line betwixt singleplayer/CO-OP PVE and PVP. I would suggest to the developers that they should rethink their stance on the subject and take another year if they have to to make it right. I can see right now based on your video gameplay clips that the UI is rudimentary. It needs work.

  3. I think this game will attract non mmo gamers. I think the sharks will be on the hunt. Competitive pvp gamers with artisan mouse pads and Wooting keyboards. Sweat lords that play for one reason, to be better then you. Old chill mmo gamers will get absolutely stomped. My prediction.

  4. I think one of the big problems with PvP sandbox MMOs has been the extreme lack of content. I played hundreds of hours of Mortal Online 2, and you very quickly have done just about everything in the game. This leads to a bored player base who camps towns to grief new players. They simply have nothing else worth doing.

    So I'm optimistic that having a lot of enjoyable PvE content will squash some of the toxic ganking. It almost creates PvE FOMO for gankers, as there is so much else that they could be doing at any given time.

    Lastly, I think people overestimate the consequences of dying to PvP. They are shooting for players to drop 20-30% of their gatherable materials. So even if you die every single time you farm, you ultimately come out with a net positive.

    Anyways good video, didn't mean to rant so much. And sorry about the shitty mobile formatting hah

  5. Forced PvP has never worked and never will. Other genres of gaming does it way better, FPS/RTS/MOBA are all specifically designed and catered to PvP. RPG's in general and MMO's in particular have and always will be about social interactions and cooperative gameplay and PvP doesn't fit into that. FORCED PvP is a death knell to MMO's. AoC will do good to maintain a sub 50k playerbase because of forced PvP.

  6. Steven Sharif said in the Kaos and Lace drop-in interview that they will iterate on the corruption system until it achieves it's goal, which is to severely disincentivize going Red. I have said quite some time ago that I expect the Corruption system to be cranked up to the point where the penalties are so severe that non-consensual PvP is all but non-existent. Intrepid knows that a gank fest would kill their game and any fears that ganking will be commonplace are, in my view, unfounded. Players who only want PvE and no PvP at all, should avoid Ashes of Creation.

  7. Black Desert has the same system. No huge gank box there…people need to just calm down. I can name 5 bounty hunter only guilds that will be on the hunt for asshats.
    You can thank Wow for this mess and the view about PVP.
    Remember you can't run to town corrupted. City guards will kill on site.
    Plus for bounty hunters once you go corrupt a red dot will appear on the minimap showing them your location.
    There will be plent of PVP corrolated play to satisfy most. So, there really shouldnt be any need to just go willy nilly killing everything.
    Just calm down people…jeebous.

  8. Honestly the PvE lot need to get a grip. Total pvp immunity is a totally diluted form of MMO. Corruption is there to prevent griefing, but yes you will occasionally die to a player. Is it really that terrible?

  9. 10:30 made me laugh.. basically saying please don't come grief the streamers cause you want to cause undue angst or bad perception.. This cracked me up as I didnt really think about streamers being targeted since streamers tend to have a following/defenders… "don't grief me I'm trying to do a video here!!" — hehe
    I appreciate what they are trying to do here, but pvp resulting in pve'rs losing resources, from my oh… 2 decades of experience will face plant hard.

    honestly I hope it stays true to the vision, and in so doing become a demonstration that focusing on the pvp "crowd" is not a sustainable MMO model, becuase I simply don't believe it to be so. MMORPG's gotta embrace the casual and soloists, both pve and pvp, restrain the nolifers , neckbeards, and sweats. THEN give the people content and meaningful endgame.

    System this, feature that, blah.. for MMO's to make it you need CONTENT, and BALANCE.
    and pve'ers devourer content at more than alarming rates, and pvp'ers demand balance, frequent and attentive.

  10. This system is purely up for abuse, as the system will encourage it, if you can gank and know that person is unlikely to fight back, why wouldn't you.
    I think this is regardless of the penalties, even if you get huge terrible penalties, all it will take is a willing friend to then kill you once you have stolen lots of peoples stuff and then takes that loot with no penalty, or even multiple accounts.


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