What Does the Fighter Class Lack?? | Ashes of Creation Feedback Pt. 2

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7 thoughts on “What Does the Fighter Class Lack?? | Ashes of Creation Feedback Pt. 2”

  1. I really feel blitz and other gap closers needs to have a short cc, maybe a 0.5 second stun or root maybe longer duration for leap.. due to the fact after the charge with both other players and mobs they seem to just continue running in a direction as the Fighter is charging and it somewhat gets them away from You and widens the gap You just closed if that makes sense? I think a lot of abilities are slow and sometimes roots You or restricts Your movement like the overhead slam and brutal cleave and overpower as The Fighter not sure if that was just Steven’s gameplay but it just doesn’t feel fluid. The animations and functions of the skills are there they look nice but it’s mostly the long wind ups and slowing of movement that I don’t like

  2. I have a friend that is super hyped for ashes that felt like ESO was unbalanced lol. Im like bro if you think ESO was unbalanced wait till you get to play ashes.

    Anytime you are really pushing the holy trinity play style you either have to water the trinity down to get more balanced 1v1s or except that its paper, rock, sissor.

    The problem that you run into when you water down the trinity for pvp you end up with PVE content/boss that the tank isnt strong enough to tank, that does damage healers cant heal through and DPS isnt string enough to kill in any reasonable time.

    If they water down the trinity you have to also water down the pve stuff inwhich cases you likely wont need class roles anymore anyway.

    I think the true trinity approach is the most fun way to play and ppl will just have to get over the fact that they cant 1vx steam roll everyone. Group up in pvp to create balance.

  3. exactly, people who rate the current combatsystem with a 10 /10 are straight up delusional ( no hate 😀 ), thats the fanboiism people should try to stop. Fighter is maybe a 6/10 and all other classes are for sure lower rated. Good video.

  4. From what they showed you have something like 20 points available and 25 spots to put them in.

    That means you get most of the tree regardless and are more choosing to opt out of certain things.

    So it’s really not that complicated. Just pick a few things you don’t want and you get the rest.

  5. I caught the tail end of this last night. What do you consider a hard CC? It has Knock Out that is a 10 sec sleep https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Knock_Out and would probably also double as your interrupt for casters.

    You also have multiple abilities that add shakken and shakken gives an increased chance to trip, which is also a hard cc. You would want to do overpower into cataclysm and then battle cry, which should trip targets and then you get 100% increased damage to them when attacking with maim.

  6. For the start of Alpha 2, these skill trees would be fine. They will get updated throughout the process.

    Edited to add: this is definitely not enough for beta or end of alpha 2 though. Lol


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