We Need To Talk About Augments – An Ashes of Creation Discussion

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I have been following the development of this game for a while. This is the first of many to be sure. The plan is to have videos, like this one, dedicated to a single topic of discussion. Also, to have videos where I provide feedback on the dev update videos.


1 thought on “We Need To Talk About Augments – An Ashes of Creation Discussion”

  1. Really like your AoC videos wish u had a discord would love to have discussions!

    I also agree with you on caravans, defenders have a huge advantage and we're talking about I think Steven said possible 4x or even greater return on the goods if it's successful. I think caravan attacks are going to mainly come from planned node v node warfare trying to keep nodes underleveled.

    The reason u use caravans instead of carrying your goods yourself to a node is because you get a way way higher return using a caravan (I forgot the rates, especially for your nodes progress). & u can carry more goods than on your character. Also, you can still be attacked by yourself transporting caravans allow a very specific way to form teams to better up your defenses. These raid groups who are attacking caravans will probably attack solo players as well.


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