Solving Botting in Ashes of Creation w/ @TheCopiumClinic

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13 thoughts on “Solving Botting in Ashes of Creation w/ @TheCopiumClinic”

  1. I know some immersion would be sacrificed, but simply making equipable gear non-tradable all but removes any incentives for gold farming/selling . And it would cost Intrepid nothing to maintain.

  2. There are so many ways to skirt the idea of causing people to fear buying gold or embarking on a RMT adventure. I think this is the absolute worst way to go about from both a player's perspective and from an effective developer's solution.

    If you are allowing bots and RMT to exist within your game just so you can punish the players… that is pretty damn scummy. We don't leave the cancer in the body to scare the rest of the cells into not turning into cancer. You cut the damn cancer out so that the rest of the cells go on operating as they are supposed to.

    if the economy is being affected even 15 to 20% by RMT before a player partakes in the RMT you've already lost. Players, and rightfully so, would go, "why should I grind 10 hours for what I could buy for 5 dollars via RMT." And I can simply skirt that ban by opening another account and trading the money to my main or buying an item from my main via a trading post /auction house.

    I'm posting early in the video so maybe y'all touch on this. But IMO intrepid should do everything they can to punish and persecute the people who actually predatorially use their game to ruin the economy and essentially entrap casual players into feeling the need to RMT.

    Because that's where this lies. Casual players in a world of RMT games will simply engage in RMT if it is available and more efficient than not engaging. Intrepid has to do something no other MMO has been successful at doing and actually stop the botters and RMTers from existing within their game entirely. The less lucrative it is for them the better and the less value they can add for those who would participate in the efficiency of buying gold. The few who slip through can hopefully be killed by players and intrepid can then harshly punish those who do fall into the trap. But I think the trap should absolutely be the last line of defense and not the solution.

  3. On the topic of A2 length and what it means for the health of the game, I think you don't have to look much further than Baldur's Gate 3. I know it's not an MMO, but like Xillin was saying "the mystique would be gone". That game was in "early access" or alpha state for over 2 years before they released it into the wild. Not only did it not affect the game negatively, but they were also able to jam pack it full of content and course correct 1000s of issues they otherwise would've launched with. It was the most successful game launched last year (really in the last decade), and people are still talking about how good it was.

    Larian Studios have proven letting it cook while players have hands on the game can be extremely useful and successful. Intrepid if they can capitalize on this A2 opportunity can take and use us A2 testers to build this game into "THE" MMO of this generation. If they do this right, essentially, we "won't matter". A2 testers will have stories to tell and have a place in the history and making of a generational game, but when it releases the torrent of new players will wash us away in the storm of hype that will overtake the game. We will simply be a blip on the radar fading away as millions of players experience the game for the first time.

    For the game to be successful in a way that keeps Intrepid's doors open, all their employees employed, and keeps them in a cycle of active development, it has to be monumentally successful. I think they know that. I'm not sure us long time backers have all come to terms with it. They can't keep up their yearly costs with 15k active subs… they can't even do it with 100k subs. In order for them to keep their promises to their employees they need this game to be the next WoW in terms of its early hype and success.

  4. I like how you said, "if Intrepid fails your done with MMOs". I think I was done with MMOs until I saw Ashes. As much as I love an MMO, I haven't played one since I quit SWTOR years ago. I just lost interest.

  5. Cheaters in MMO’s are the biggest game killers. One of the main reasons i dont play shooters is because i feel like everyone is using aim bots/assists. Everyone wants their time and energy respected and for someone to pay money for gold to skip to the front if the line really pisses ppl off and discourages them from continuing.


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