Live Service Games should have Live Events | What does that mean for Ashes of Creation?

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Ashes of Creation is heading into 2022 ready to make some big milestones on development and hopefully making their way towards an Alpha 2 sometime in the future.

Today here are some thoughts I have about MMOs as a Live Service and the content they should present to players.

What do you think about the content current MMOs provide players and how do you envision Ashes of Creation giving players content?

Thanks for tuning in!

#ashesofcreation #mmorpg #liveevents


1 thought on “Live Service Games should have Live Events | What does that mean for Ashes of Creation?”

  1. In my past games, there have always been Dev run/managed special events, usually quarterly or bi-anually. They take place in the open world and were server based. But those games had fast travel. With the size of Verra and no fast travel, these spontaneous events will be attend unless you are forewarned or are lucky to be in the right area. However, I do hope we get to see some form of these events in Ashes as it would world really be fun and different.


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