Is Ashes of Creation Becoming Star Citizen?

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21 thoughts on “Is Ashes of Creation Becoming Star Citizen?”

  1. THATS THAT JAMMMMM thriller! to bad sc doesn't do they're dev management like aoh, you should try dcs mike. if you liked flying to ships dcs is reallllly good at that , 1 plane has more game mechanics then the entirety of sc

  2. Idk if I consider a bigger map "scope creep" but I can definitely understand the argument. Maybe I'm just building a tolerance but SC continuously adds new careers and entire games (theaters of war)

  3. Star Citizen – undisputed scope creep champion in gaming! But I think we're resigned to unending development and in fact CIG has told us deadpan that is exactly what they will do. But Ashes, oh my. I really need that game to release with a decent version 1 and then proceed with the usual set of MMO expansions. I NEED it to be a new MMO that is run like a classic MMO.

  4. Hey Mike, Steven mentioned some changes to the game earlier this year and August livestream basically confirmed those changes. Glad you giving Ashes a go on your channel. Please check out their Wiki. It has all the information needed to 'catch up.'

  5. F me. I went to see if I can get into alpha test 2 and its a minimum 250 dollars. I have been so good with a closed wallet with SC for a year now, I can't handle another alpha game especially one that I can't even access right now, without dropping 250. I will wait till beta, excited for this game.

  6. how empty zone are immersion breaking!!? are people stupid!? have they never went to the countryside!!??
    just go in saskatchewan canada and that's all you'll see extended zone of nothing,… go into arabia and that's what you'll see extended zone of nothing!!!
    that's exactly what is breaking MY immersion went everything is nearby everythings, evey place are gorgeous and filled with quest and stuff to do…
    that's not how things are in reality… but that's why I think travel should be able to be made offline and planed with maps.

  7. Another video I watched about NMS on DG's channel reminded why scope creep, graphics, gameplay updates, and so on, are important in a game that's currently in development. If you don't keep up with the competition, or attempt to get ahead of the competition while you're making the product, you're very quickly outdated even before you release it. The same goes for SQ42; if they had stuck with the original vision, and released it today, we'd have scoffed at it. If they made a new ED today, they'd have to compete with SC, NMS, X4, and so on, which would likely make the dev time quite long, compared to the relatively basic original release of ED, and throughout that development, they'd have some scope creep too, as there are a lot of changes in a decade of gaming. For AoC, it's only been 5 years, but a lot of competing products have come out in that time. Managing and balancing that creep, is not going to be easy, financially, or in terms of additional dev time.

  8. You'll do one video where you say you like the direction of the game but then you'll make comments like here where you declare, "Scope creep literally killed the game". Do you actually believe Star Citizen is 'dead', or do you just be sayin' shit…?

  9. I'm always a bit puzzled when you say that there is no documentation or information about the scope of the game. I think its correct to say there is no cohesive, exhaustive and up to date document covering what's intended…but there are many design documents from 2013-2015 that are outdated in details but not so in general direction. That plus dozens of hours of discussions from devs. So, while clarity is lacking (and very much needed), we're not in the dark either.


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