Don't Believe the Hype, But Don't be Afraid to Get Excited Either! | Ashes of Creation

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This is a sorta, kinda but not really a response to Josh Strife Hayes video on Ashes of Creation. I liked what he said quite a bit, although how he said it could have been a bit better. I just wanted to add onto what he said because it ties into some thoughts that I’ve been having for a while now.

In his video, he talked about how Ashes of Creation was not all it was hyped up to be, and pointed out some potential red flags that show that maybe Ashes of Creation isn’t going to be as good as it is in our heads. I wanted to take that idea a step further and give some of my own thoughts that I’ve been having for a while now, so I also talked about how there’s this hate/hype dichotomy and how most mmos are garbage on release.

Josh Strife Hayes:
That one little clip of ludwig:


2 thoughts on “Don't Believe the Hype, But Don't be Afraid to Get Excited Either! | Ashes of Creation”

  1. Ashes of Creation is already millions deep in the business of selling hype with its cosmetics.

    When you have a PvP game that uses its players for content; The game only lives as long as people are willing to venture out in the world and collect stuff.

    I hope that the team realize this and plan for creating "Simulated PvP" servers, or Hardcore RP servers that support "Job RP"


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