Character Creator Sooner Than We Think? – Metahuman Creator x Ashes of Creation – UE5 Features

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Unreal Engine 5 is insane with all the potential feature and uses. It means some absolutely insane things for #AshesofCreation. With this upgrade it has the potential to be one of the first of the next gen video games, Intrepid is converting Ashes of Creation to an #UnrealEngine5 project. This video will be covering the #Metahuman Creator Application offered by Epic Games in UE5.

#Intrepid has said that #Alpha is when the community can have the most influence on the game through feedback so let me know what you think in the comments below!

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6 thoughts on “Character Creator Sooner Than We Think? – Metahuman Creator x Ashes of Creation – UE5 Features”

  1. Nice vid man. Your new camera looks great! But now you gotta get the video synced up with the audio. If you need help with that, shoot me a message in discord or hop in when I'm there and we'll get it done!


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