Can Ashes of Creation be for "Everyone?" – Response to Narc

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Responding to Narc’s “Ashes of Creation MAY NOT Be For You and Here’s Why” Video. This is mostly a discussion about how too much or too little difficulty can turn players away from MMOs.

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4 thoughts on “Can Ashes of Creation be for "Everyone?" – Response to Narc”

  1. I think they are further along than we think. Back in 2021 they showed off some systems and someone pointed out that the date on the persons computer showed 2019. People got angry saying they were showing old stuff. Steven was quick to point out that he can't show us everything the minute something is finished alot of things are done but haven't been showed to the public.

  2. Again. Ashes of Creation is not for you IF you are a casual player. The brainless end game has been estimated by Intrepid. My constructive criticism is an Everquest feedback. Hence, slow and hard leveling (grind in the beginning), special events to bounce you up, then slow level caps, and really fun dungeons.

  3. @24:37 Not exactly, the reward in Ashes is taking that rare raid drop to a Specialist Crafter, not just any Crafter to make a stat specific item JUST for the character you've created! This will be even more exclusive and rewarding in the end, than getting some generic class-wide item drop as a reward which doesn't fit your build.

  4. @6:55 I wouldn't call it a Capitalist Trap… That panders to some of the worst caricatures there are, based on rank ignorance.
    Instead, I'd say that's the 'Publicly Traded Trap'.
    Where you MUST always consider your shareholders FIRST, and thus your customers, and the game itself, comes after all monetization considerations. This is an inevitable downward spiral that I honestly think can never be avoided.
    This is why any truly customer first company, is a PRIVATE company. Where shareholders be damned. Doing the right thing, CAN come first.


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