Ashes of Creation: Is The Corruption System Too Harsh?

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In this episode of Caravan Blitz, ItsFayne and I discuss my new show Voices of Verra, Ashes of Creations corruption system, and what the ideal guild member looks like.


15 thoughts on “Ashes of Creation: Is The Corruption System Too Harsh?”

  1. I think a lot of the corruption system will depend on how Interpid tunes it. There’s a ton of variables to consider when trying to build an equation that can properly deal the “correct”amount of corruption for many different scenarios. With the correct amount referring to not too much corruption no one takes the risk, not too little no cares they get corruption, and enough to punish griefers.

  2. Actual comment though.

    I have so little drive to open world pvp, when someone attacks me I will at current just let them do so, so they get corruption. I will then gather the bros to hunt them down for their poor decision making.

  3. There are no dissadvantages only benefits for being corrupted as long you dont die and with big numbers you could achieve that, but they have no home. What would be really hype is if there was a underworld node with a bridge protected by a Balrog or a dragon who oneshots everyone who is not corrupted.. That would allow a full corrupted city or even Metropolis with a major who can flag in-node-trolls who kill cititzen persona non grata so they get attacked by the NPC's. Or you could just make the major a corrupted NPC who is in support of a corruption refugee. Of course the dragon or balrog would leave after the node is developed to allow raids (not sieges) on the city.

  4. You're forgetting the most important part of Corruption, it ends when you die.
    Corrupted will have two choices: Die, or Grind off the corruption before someone kills you. That's it.

  5. The Corruption system is currently far too minimal to even worry about for PK's.
    You and couple buddies go out, spend a day ganking every solo and small team. You come home in the evening loaded down with Corruption. A quick arranged duel, you die, you ressurect cleared of all that nasty taint, and get handed all your gear back. No Bounty Hunter issues, no gear loses, just a tiny bit of XP to regain.

  6. Corruption should be removed completely. Just have open world pvp dedicated zones where you fight for limited ressources & gatherings in the area. & Pve dedicated zones for quest and adventures with out the pvp. Problem fix!

  7. Hello Great like always!!!. Filmów this guy
    P.d. Im perfect guild member i was geting alot done for all guild. I gona play Eu. Defo have a master plan to have bigest guild.!!! EU oved hope😎✌


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