Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Midnight Magic Preview

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We are extremely excited to give you an update on nighttime lighting, new mage fire abilities, and the wand weapon combo skill tree in Ashes of Creation! This 4K video is just a taste of what’s to come!

Reminder that Ashes of Creation is an open and transparent development project. As such, you will see work-in-progress art, systems, and mechanics. Leave us your thoughts on our progress in the video comments!

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– For Midnight Magic Feedback

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34 thoughts on “Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Midnight Magic Preview”

  1. My Glorious friends, a lot of little updates in this Steam. Much of which was a direct result of YOUR feedback! 💪💪💪. Let us know what you think. As an additional update, we will get the lighting for spells in soon, still a work in progress. Thank you for being a glorious community!! ❤️🙏

  2. Honestly I just want a class that is 100% designed around Damage over time effects. Just nothing but stacking and scaling DoTs over and over again. Maybe throw in an ability that after X number of dots are applied it consumes all remaining DoT duration's combine them all and deal it in a single burst. Closest example I can give is the mage class in the MMO RIFT. A Warlock, Necromancer, Archon soul mix.

  3. for talent trees i think its better to go overboard with options/choices and allow for more forking/branches to create a deeper tree. trees should allow for things like incremental dmg increase(5%,10%,15%) and also functiionality only accessible thru the talent tree(slowing effect on arrows for hunters). as long as these fundamentals are followed it will really just depend on how crazy and deep the trees are, and the only limit on that is the amount of talent points available to spend, i think that number can be raised IMO and itll only allow for more variety in builds as players get to max level

  4. fireball should be slower and heavier imo, this is my preference i think alot of attacks could do well with slowing them down 20% and adding more weight/cost to it. i think it adds more careful playing and thoughtfulness across the board

  5. frostbolt looked amazing! seriously like 9.5/10, nobody ever does frostbolt correctly i swear so its great to see it done so well. i had to rewind 10sec when i saw it

  6. It depends on what kind of game Ashes wants to be, but I personally would like to make the night feel even darker and more dangerous. I like the idea of hiding in the dark and maybe trying to do some sneaky cargo runs with no lights, or on the other side have people who hide to ambush the caravan.
    You could also consider hiding the hp & nameplate if someone is in darkness (or scale the transparency until its 100% at some point).

  7. Beautiful. Just a tad bit too dark though. Also, from the lighting to combat animations, remember to make a game not a movie. Everything the team is doing looks great. Just have to make that distinction, because current trends are to mimic cinema. Don't do that. Make it vibrant. Make it pop. Make it fluid. Approximate realism, and fully realize fantasy.

  8. Aye, as to the darkness, it would be rly cool to have diffrences between lantern, what they do, different for some locations, it would be sooo cool (also if races would see differently good in dakr, but i think that be ass ^^)

  9. I love the animated galaxy lighting on the turtle. It reminds me of the legendary greatsword "Eternity" with the galaxy trails when you walk on GW2. I LOVE trailing with legendries. It's the coolest thing to me when they're well designed. GW2 was amazing when it released, for a couple years, then they ruined it with the first expansion.. but definitely keep small attention to detail like that and reward the players for achievements in game with absolutely amazing things on legendries/artwork on them with effects/glowing/trails/etc.. and it makes things to strive for and keep playing. Heck of a grind, but the art is well worth it.

  10. Please make sure mobs are a challenge. I REALLY don't want another "Solo Friendly" MMO. I HATE easy MMOs. Wow classic is so fun precisely because even regular world mobs have a longer TTK and over pulling at your level means dying. So groups are super useful and combat is impactful.

  11. How about dynamically adjusting the distance nameplates are visible between day and night? Also based on how dark the night is, assuming light levels vary at night w/ moon, stars.

    I think night looks great btw.

  12. Looks cool. Too bad as soon as you can actually play the game you'll have missed like 10 years of now unobtainable special edition items so it's DoA. That really sucks :/ Hope the quick cash was worth it!

  13. I want to believe, but we all know this will probably just be another failed MMO. I want them to shut up and go radio silent until it's done. Put your money where your mouth is.

  14. Would be mega cool if we had one really dark night each month during weekend in certain area of map. During this night you would need constant light sources or you cant do much. There could be special quests and or mobs during this night and for example you could catch a super rare mount during this night only.

    would be amazing for open world pvp aswell.

    kinda like darkmoon faire in wow but just darkmoon lol


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