All of the BEARS | Another Ashes of Creation DnD One Shot | ft. theGoldenFeather

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An Ashes of Creation one shot DnD campaign where our players take on a corrupted area and of course the infamous BEARS. The goal for this is to bring the Ashes of Creation community together and have some fun while we wait for the full release of the game.

Check out this video if you are interested in seeing Chibibree make her character for this game:

Any feedback would be appreciated as this one shot was partially to test the mechanics for my upcoming project: an Ashes of Creation DnD Campaign setting.

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1 thought on “All of the BEARS | Another Ashes of Creation DnD One Shot | ft. theGoldenFeather”

  1. Thanks for tuning in guys! This was another One Shot DnD session themed in Ashes of Creation. I will probably be doing more of these over the next month or two to test out certain mechanics and homebrew stuff. The ultimate goal is to start running a West Marches style campaign set in Vera. This adaptation is done with assets already in DnD 5e mixed with homebrew content influenced by what we know about Ashes of Creation so far. As we gain more information about the game, homebrew content will be updated and changed.


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