All 9 Races you can play in the MMO Ashes of Creation

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All 9 races in Ashes of Creation are unique. I’m going to tell you all the information you need to know about them before you play the game!

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Ashes of Creation has 9 playable races, these are made up of 5 primary races, 4 of which are split into 2 subraces each. In this video, I will let you know all about the lore that currently surrounds these races and show you the character models and art we currently have for them. We’re going to jump into what are the Aela, Dunzenkell, Kaivek and Pyrian? Which are the dwarves, elves, humans and orcs? What is the most secretive race that they have yet to reveal? What is the inspiration behind the races? And how does it affect the classes?

Watch my last video here:

For a brief overview of what Ashes of Creation is check out this video:

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#AshesofCreation #MMO #MMORPG


7 thoughts on “All 9 Races you can play in the MMO Ashes of Creation”

  1. Great detailed breakdown of the races across the game! Really looking forward to playing it soon!!

    Love the look of the Vek and the Elves!!

  2. Hey all, so for this week I've tried a different style of video from my normal ones and hopefully, you enjoy it and can get something a little fresh and different from other race videos out there.

    if you do enjoy don't forget to drop a LIKE, and COMMENT and let me know What are your thoughts on the races in Ashes of creation?


  3. Really enjoyed the video hopefully we get an alpha 2 announcement or access to the character creator so we can start jumping in and creating our characters. I'm probably gonna go Py'Rai just as its the one i currently thinks looks the coolest

  4. It's definitely different from your other videos but I enjoyed you getting into the lore. This is definetly one of the best race videos I've seen so far due to the character models and the fact you've put your opinion out about stuff. Keep it up looking forward to the next one.

  5. 15 minutes video that feels like a dry wiki reading.
    Would rather watch 5 minutes of you selling me on what race is going to have the best booba
    Talking about Racial bonuses in other games would also work
    Intrepid hinted that they will have magic Essence and that essence might have a spectrum (Red is Fire, Blue is Ice) Will some races be blind or more sensitive to Magic Essence
    A skill that lets you see the aura of a player so you know how powerful they are
    brain melting, thanks


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