You Will NEVER get a Flying Mount in Ashes

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This video addresses the controversy surrounding the highly restricted availability of flying mounts in Ashes of Creation, explaining the developers’ intentions behind their scarcity and the community’s reaction.


1 thought on “You Will NEVER get a Flying Mount in Ashes”

  1. Yeah, if you look at the WoW-gameloop when everyone flies around its just weird, the sky is filled with people afk-brain flying from A to B while on the ground there is almost nobody. ut I would suspect that you can get pretty close to a flying mount with breeding. Max out gliding distance, movement speed and jump height and you probably can avoid a lot of dangers even with a gliding mount. Also: with the number of people so low who can use the full flying mounts, it stands to argue that there will be no content requiring it in the first place.


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