This is The ONE System Ashes of Creation Is Doing WRONG

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Ashes of Creation has created quite the dilemma with what has become a regular event within the MMORPG Genre. So how will they handle server merges?

Ashes of Creation is a unique take on the MMORPG experience. Our world structure is dynamic, and built to react to your actions. Cities will rise and fall as you shape the world of Verra. Quests and secrets will unlock as populations gather and their needs grow. As the world’s NPC structure is established in real-time, you will have the ability to destroy what’s been created, paving the way for new developments, populations, and change. Political strife and intrigue will play a very real role in the structure of your experience. Gone are the days of static worlds; change is here to stay!
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15 thoughts on “This is The ONE System Ashes of Creation Is Doing WRONG”

  1. So fart in the wind here from a casual

    What if they had like a Vagabond mode for la month after a merge where those with freeholds on weaker server get a special war scroll (+a refund for the original price they spent to acquire hold) Where they can declare a war on a node that if they win they will not only reset all housing rights but also get a large reward. Giving them a leg up to reaquire land. (The node won’t be destroyed however as it’s effectively establishing a new ruling elite)

  2. when did steven say hte weaker server loses any thing. he said htey need to get a new house that does not mean the items you have are nto still availabe. more then likely those items will end up in your/a warehouse.

  3. as long as ppl who wants to stay should avoid streamer servers .. i actually agree with making limited servers enough soo server dont go over double the queue of server cap better to suffer at start than losing stuff after 90 days of playing

  4. Why not just merge to low pop servers into one with resets on everything? If the issue is the strong>weak server. Only merge weak servers together with a reset and leave the strong ones be. The likelihood of just one server being weak across them all is extremely low.

  5. I have been saying for a while that low pop servers should trigger world threatening events that the server population can rally together and face to save the server.

    If they succeed, they become a host server for low pop servers that fail. If they fail, the players will have the opportunity to caravan their goods to the devine gateway, which would be how they show up in the world of their new server.

    In this way, they keep the server storyline intact. Imagine your world of Vera is threatened by a world destroying comet that can only be averted through special religious quests related to the constellation system. Imagine your server is unable to stop the disaster and the comet grows larger in the night sky over a week while players rush to save what they can and bring it to the portal, while bandits wait on every road looking to profit from the chaos.

    Imagine you make it through to an alternate reality where the world has not fallen and your caravan, loaded with goods, is protected and brought to a nearby city where refugees are greeted with offers of citizenship and your housing certificate can be traded in for the gold cost of your original home or freehold. Struggling cities would compete to attract these immigrants to strengthen themselves and grow to new heights.

    This is the way. Not the loss of your server, but the conclusion to its unique story. Not a restart, but instead, the beginning of your characters next adventure.

  6. Server being deleted should get a chance to earn a bunch of siege scrolls so when they go into the new server, they can act like a invading horde. This would allow the old server ppl a chance to earn some properties for those who lost everything and give incredible server lore to the ones receiving "we resisted the horde invasion"

  7. Well, for me, all the possible solutions that you mentioned are so bad that I'd have to play the rage quit card. I do like the idea of an apocalyptic world ending event that requires you to fight your way to the exit with just what you can carry. Now that has potential. I wouldn't feel so bad winding up a destitute refugee if there were an interesting event that got me to the new server. The next time you talk to Steven, tell him that idea has my approval.


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