Ashes Of Creation's Revamp Looks Incredible

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Ashes Of Creation’s latest dev stream was dark but maybe for all the right reason!

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15 thoughts on “Ashes Of Creation's Revamp Looks Incredible”

  1. Damn, even modern wow looks better than this biome. It just doesn't look interesting. Almost everywhere in new world at least kept my attention. This looks like wow classic with ray tracing haha

  2. In regard to nameplates, i dont think we should see nameplates unless we select the mob/person, Its a PvX game and in regard to PvE side the game looks better/immersive when not littered with nameplates and in PvP side o things it allows people to sneak up on people and things so overall i thinnk it a better experience without name plates.

    Maybe show mobs/player nameplates when they agroed/hit somone in your group but i wouldnt show any nameplates that are not in combat unless u click on them

  3. Still not convince about this game. I know it's still in an alpha phase, however it doesn't look appealing to me. What they're showing is nothing new compared to another MMO, other than the use of Unreal 5 and it doesn't even look relevant when you look at the environment. Also as the closed alpha is getting closer, I don't think the progress they're making is quick enough. It feels like the game won't be ready before years honestly at this rate, and considering how much people already paid for it it's not right in my opinion.

  4. I disagree, the night time actually feels dark and its good. Whats the point of night if its so bright that the only difference is the skybox is dark blue instead of light blue.

    You need to change your mindset because its the typical modern MMORPG mindset. "Why do we need this if there is no gameplay associated with it". The answer is immersion. Intrepid what's to create an actual world with atmosphere and believability.

  5. Night time being dark offers? It offers more realism. It offers light spells and torches to be meaningful! Why not have night time be dark? Don't see how this is even a question!


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